• client

    amumanu ramen bar

  • project

    responsive website design

  • perception/tone

    hip, unpretentious, culturally relevant

it’s okay to slurp.

Amu Manu is a locally owned Ramen Bar located in the heart of downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. Specializing in authentic Ramen, Amu Manu is part of a rotating pop-up owned by Lincoln restaurateur Nader Sepahpur. Through updating their logo and designing a fully-responsive website, the main goal of this project was to increase awareness of Amu Manu and put it back on Lincoln’s culinary radar.

The primary audience for this campaign was new and existing downtown food enthusiasts who are adventurous in their eating habits and would embrace the unexpected. They are young professionals who eat out often, downtown residents, and out of town guests that usually opt to eat local instead of patronizing large chains. Amu Manu appeals to their need for an experience and offers the atmosphere they so crave. We worked to take the focus from being perceived as a ramen bar for college students on a budget and shifted it to be more of a place of exploration for one's taste buds. The new website needed to reflect this while also being bold and hip, straightforward and accessible By using simple iconography, an intentional cream and red colored palette, and accessible language, the website turned into a modern look at Asian cuisine - open to all.