• client

    food fort

  • project

    non-profit campaign

  • perception/tone

    neighborly, kid-focused, whimsical


feeding, loving and growing our future

Established in 2016, Food Fort is a non profit dedicated to combating food insecurity in under-resourced neighborhoods in the Lincoln, NE area. Although they have been providing services for four years, Food Fort is still not on the radar of those most in need of their services. Their lack of budget for a large-scale visibility campaign has caused them to take a grassroots approach and rely heavily on word-of-mouth to get their message out into the community. Due to their non-profit status, it was important to consider budget conscious brand extensions and the most cost-effective way to reach their intended audiences.

Posters and other print materials were created with the need to communicate pertinent registration items for parents who work multiple jobs and odd hours, and whose ability to put food on the table is a consistent stressor in their daily lives. It was equally imperative to speak directly to and to connect with school-age children. Stickers served to create brand recognition with an added element of fun to appeal to kids with the designs neighborly in tone and entertaining in nature. These assets assisted Food Fort in their community outreach efforts and they were able to get food to those who needed it most.